Once again I start with: some time ago my hubby bought me a kit.. It was a kit for RAW Bangles, from Marcia DeCoster. I really like her work, and RAW is one of my favorite stitches, after peyote, of course.:)
So, I made basics like she told in instructions, got to embelishing part...and went on my own.I used beads she provided, but added some of my own. I made 3 out 4 bracelets, and stopped. Planning to make last bracelet later, after I make beaded Easter Egg.
I znowu zaczynam pisanie od: jakis czas temu moj maz kupil mi w prezencie podziwiany przeze mnie "kit" Marcii DeCoster. Byly to materialy i instrukcje by robic branzoletki. Tak wiec zaczelam podstawy jak bylo przykazane w instrukcjach, i jak doszlam do czesci gdzie trzeba ozdabiac, porzucialm instrukcje, dodalam wlasnych materialow i robilam po swojemu. Zrobilam 3 z 4 branzolet i odlozylam, bo wzielam sie za robienie koralikowej pisanki. Trzeba jakos uczcic te swieta. :)