..on the Cruise, I should have saved my hands. After all, I'll be beading complicated piece during days on the sea..But instead of taking care of the hands, I've decided to embellish my favorite cabochon, bought last year in Melbourne. Took me some time, especially that I was sick, and fighting nasty virus took some strength. I'm finally better though, and finished necklace too. Might take it with me.
4 more days and we are out of here. Europe here we come!!
Pownnam byla oszczedzac rece przed wyjazdem na wycieczke. Badz co badz, bede koralikowac skomplikowany projekt pod kierunkiem Cynthii. Ale oczywiscie nie moglam wytrzymac i po pisance, postanowilam w koncu zrobic cos z "moim slicznym nabytkiem z Melbourne". Zaczelam go ozdabiac, potem musialam przestac, bo zlapalam jakiegos wirusa, co rozlozyl mnie"na obie lopatki". Ale doszlam jako tako to siebie, i dzisiaj wisior skonczylam. Wezme go ze soba na wycieczke..
A oto zdjecie z naszej ostatniej ptasiej wizyty..
Oh, and here is the picture of our last visitors..