Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, 18th July

O.k. bylam zajeta i nie bardzo mialam czas koralikowac. Robie naszyjnik ostatnio, ale schodzi, jest on czasochlonny i jeszcze nie mam co pokazac.
Moge pokazac bransoletke co zrobilam, do kompletu. Ta niebieska to moja; pod nia, bransoletka od Sherry, prezent.
Been quite busy lately, making appointments and checking rental houses. Our rental agreement expires, and we should move out of the house we are occupaing currently.
So, we've been concentrating on looking for new place to live.
We found couple nice houses, and Scott finished today applying.
Now, just have to wait..
But, because of that I have not much new to show. Only bracelet I finished. On the picture, its the blue one, on top of Sherri's bracelet.

Tak wogole to ostatnio nic tylko ogladam domy do zamieszkania, i pudelka. Zaczelam pakowac, bo konczy nam sie kontrakt na dom, i musimy sie przeprowadzac.
Przy okazji pakowania, czyszczenia, natknelam sie na kilka zrobionych wczesniej kawalkow i zrobilam kilka zdjec. Zapomnialam pokazac ze z koralikow mozna tez robic ozdoby choinkowe.

Above, couple pictures that I found during cleaning and preparing for packing. I forgot to show my christmas ornaments, that I've made over time. All of them are by Paula Adams instructions.

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