Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Well, I gave new born birds (or rather poor mother-bird) some bread, and that was beginning of the nice friendship. I would want to say that I trained them well, cause they come back at least once a day to ask for some food, but maybe I should say that they trained me well. They are not shy and show clearly what they want...
If only I could make parrots or lorakeets to come...

Dalam raz biednej ptasiej matce troche chleba, bo jej mlode darlo sie jesc jak opetane. No i od tego sie zaczelo, codzienne wizyty i zagladanie w okna, i czekanie na dotacje...Chcialabym powiedziec ze je wytrenowalam dobrze, ale to chyba raczej one mnie..
Zeby mi sie jeszcze tak udalo zwabiac papugi i inne kolorowe ptactwo...

1 comment:

GaleriaMargo said...

nieźle! :) a co to za gatunek? :)