Saturday, May 22, 2010
Oj, Kreative Blogger Award..
..ktory dostalam od Baby Jagi. Serdecznie dziekuje.
I zabawa polega na tym ze jak sie dostanie to odznaczenie, to podobno trzeba cos o sobie powiedziec w 7 punktach..O rany, czy ja musze?
No ale sprobuje, bo nie lubie psuc zabawy..
1. Uwielbiam podrozowac i dzieki silom wyzszym udalo mi sie troche zwiedzic w moim zyciu. A poza tym rzuca mnie po swiecie.
2. Strasznie chorowalam w dziecinstwie i stad mi zostalo ze czytam mnostwo, caly czas. Duzo po polsku, by nie zapomniec jezyka..
3. Koralikowanie to moja pasja, obsesja, ucieczka od wszystkiego.
4. Chcialabym byc optymistka, bo nie jestem.
5. Po wielu latach spedzonych na Alasce, nie lubie sniegu.
6. Uwielbiam kwiaty, zwierzeta, ptaki..Ptaki dokarmiam caly czas. I mam 3 koty, przywiezione z Alaski.
7. Sama nie wiem gdzie przynaleze..Za duzo sie przemieszczam..Obytwatel Swiata?
Uff... Udalo mi sie.. Mieszanka to jest, ale chyba niezle..
Dalsza czesc zabawy, komu je chce przekazac... Kurcze..
Czy moge wszystkim????????????????Bardzo lubie kazda strone na ktora zagladam, bo dlatego wlasnie tam zagladam..
A poza tym, wszystkich pozdrawiam serdecznie!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Earrings, earrings, earrings..
I don't know why, I got into earrings making mood. Made lots of them. I love earrings, but c'mon, can't wear them all..oh well, at least I enjoyed myself..
Napadlo mnie i kolczykow narobilam. Juz od kilku dni tak robie.
Uwielbiam kolczyki, ale chyba troche przesadzilam...
A ponizej, specjalnie na zyczenie Jagusi, blizsze zdjecie klucza od medalionu.
A tu jest moj problematyczny wytwor.Zaczelam naszyjnik ,a ze 3 lata temu. Co jakis czas wyjme go, popatrze, pomysle i odkladam, bo nie wiem jak go wykonczyc. Cos powinno byc, nie sam sznur..Serce juz do niego stracilam, wiec moze ktos chce go wykonczyc za mnie? Albo ma pomysl? Z checia go oddam..
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
"Key to my heart" necklace
Finally finished. That's the project that Cynthia Rutledge was teaching on the cruise, we took few weeks ago. For me it was quite new and complicated project; first time doing locket and working on pictures for it, setting stones, and the longest instructions :)... I did my piece little bit different than original one; I substituted 2mm set stones with 2mm Swarovski beads. Setting 2 mm stones just wasn't for me, I lost patience, needles, some blood, and good mood doing it. But I believe that diffence isn't that big, and necklace still looks good.
I want to thank very nice beaders who shared some beads with me, since I left some of them at home (!).Beaders are just great people. I forgot bag with my 11's, which were used for embelishing. Luckily I remembered to take mainly used 15's and delicas.
Oto skonczony projekt ktory Cynthia Rutledge nauczala na naszym niedawnym rejsie. Projekt byl czyms calkiem nowym dla mnie; bo dotad nie pracowalam nad oprawa zdjec, nie pracowalam nad kamieniami szlachetnymi w oprawie. No i bardzo dlugi proces, skomplikowane dlugie instrukcje. A jak wiadomo tym co mnie znaja, ciezko mi wychodzi nadazanie za instrukcja: zawsze jakos cos zrobie po swojemu...:)
Dlatego tez moj projekt troszke rozni sie materialowo od Cynthi projektu. Oprawianie 2mm kamieni wykonczylo mnie psychicznie, wykonczylo pare igiel i sprawilo ze zamienilam 2mm kamienie na 2 mm koraliki Swarovskiego. Wg mnie wcale to nie sprawilo ze naszyjnik wyglada gorzej, a mnie sie udalo zachowac psychike i dobry nastroj.
Dziekuje tez kolezankom z rejsu (mimo iz zadna nie mowi po polsku), ktore poratowaly mnie w potrzebie, bo zostawilam torebeczke z koralikami do ozdoby (jedenastki, ktorych potrzebowalismy ciupke, ale pare kolorow) w domu. Nie wiem jak to zrobilam, bo 15-tki koraliki, i "Delicas" zabralam ze soba. No coz, roznie bywa przy pakowaniu.
A koralikujace facetki sa zwykle bardzo mile i uczynne.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Back from the cruise- polish version
..czyli po polsku. Strasznie duzo sie opisalam w pierwszej wersji angielskiej, i obiecalam napisac po polsku..i mi zeszlo. Znowu przez kilka tyg. tylko po angielsku mowilam, potem sie rozchorowalam i na tych lekach na zaziebienie, "przyznaje sie bez bicia" ze brakowalo mi polskich slow .. Zwrocono mi uwage ze robie brzydkie bledy ortograficzne i wstydze sie bardzo za to, ale naprawde po tylu latach spedzonych poza krajem, ciezko byc tak bieglym, tym bardziej ze kontaktu z Polakami malo. Pogadac to jeszcze pogadam, ale z pisaniem gorzej. Ale dosyc marudzenia i do opisow.
Album juz zamiescilam i nawet probowalam napisy tam po polsku zrobic, bo mi rodzice na Skypie marudzili strasznie. Wiec zdjec mozna sie naogladac-
prosze bardzo linka juz podalam, wkleic sobie prosze. Ale zamierzam sie powtorzyc ze zdjeciami ponizej.
Podroz sie zaczela w polowie Kwietnia wylotem do Rzymu. Szczesliwie do niego dotarlismy po 26 godzinach w powietrzu. Tam sie okazalo ze dobrze ze to Rzymu lecielismy, bo wulkan w Islandii "narozbrabial" i lotniska pozamykali. Zamieszanie porzadnie i kilkaset osob mimo opoznienia wyjscia statku z portu, na rejs nie dotarlo.
W Rzymie spedzilismy pierwszy dzien troche sie wloczac, a potem padlismy jak klody by odsypiac "jetleg" (tak a propos, niech mi prosze ktos powie czy jest polskie wyrazenie na okreslenie tego stanu?) W drugi dzien znalezlismy sie ze znajomymi, czyli Cynthia i Markiem Rutledge. Tam wlasnie w koncu poznalam Maggie Meister, pania ktora robi sliczne wyroby z koralikow inspirowana sztuka antyczna.
Spedzilismy dzien z nimi, zwiedzajac, a na nastepny dzien stawilismy sie w porcie Civitavecchia. Tam po ceregielach papierkowych w koncu zaladowali nas na statek. Po poludniu udalo nam sie nawet juz zaczac projekt, ktory Cynthia nauczala. Nazywal sie on "Key to my heart", czyli "Klucz do mojego serca". Projekt sklada sie z wielu czesci i jest dosyc skomplikowany. Robie go jeszcze i zejdzie mi, wiec zdjecia dopiero jak skoncze.
Jak wspomnialam, opozniono nam o jeden dzien wyjscie z portu, i przez to stracilismy mozliwosc zwiedzania Corfu, jednej z wysp greckich.
Statek byl olbrzymi. Mial swietne stabilizatory, i trzeba bylo bardzo uwazac by zauwazyc jakis ruch, albo minimalne kolysanie. Zreszta pogoda tez nam dopisala dobra.
Pierwszy stop byl w Kroacji, w Dubrowniku. Dubrownik bardzo nam sie spodobal. Po zwiedzaniu fortu, zawieziono nas do innej malej, ale bardzo malowniczej miesciny, a potem na lunch. Lunch byl pyszny, i polaczony byl z czescia artystyczna. Po calym dniu zalowalismy ze musielismy wracac na statek..
Po Dubrowniku byl port w Katakolonie, Grecja. Stamtad wybralismy sie na wycieczke do niedalekiej Olympii. Wiosna w Olympii jest piekna. Ruiny i kwitnace drzewa zostawiaja niezapomniane wrazenie...
Po Katakolonie byla juz Turcja, Kusadasi. Tam od razu wsiedlismy w autobus i pojechalismy zwiedzac Efez, dawny antyczny port. Niestety wybrzeze sie przesunelo i ciezko uwierzyc ze bylo to kiedys znane miasto portowe, gdzie krzyzowaly sie znane szlaki handlowe. Po drodze do Efezu, zatrzymalismy sie by zobaczyc dom w ktorym podobno Maryja spedzila ostatnie lata swego zycia.
Zadna wycieczka do Turcji nie moze sie chyba obyc bez wizyty w sklepie z dywanami.
Nasza byla polaczona z pokazem, dawnej tradycji plecienia dywanow. Kazda panna musiala miec dywany w wianie, ktore czesto sama plotla. Te recznie plecione dywany sa przepiekne, a szczegolnie te robione z nici jedwabnych.
Mnie sie udalo troche zaskoczyc wlascicili bo "zaplonelam gwaltowym uczuciem" nie do zadnego z dywanow, ale do zyrandola ktory oswietlal pomieszczenie. Zostalam zapewniona stanowczo ze jest on nie do sprzedania..:(
Po Turcji, znowu do Grecji, tym razem na Santorini. Jako ze byla to juz nasza powtorna wizyta, my oprowadzalismy troche naszych znajomych. Udalo nam sie namowic ich na jazde z portu to miasta na gorze, na oslach. Tak jak ich zapewnialismy zabawa byla przednia, bo osiol zrobi co osiol chce; zatrzyma sie by pojesc, albo nagle zmieni kierunek i zacznie schodzic w dol...I przekonac osla sie nie da za nic!
Po Santorini, nastepny stop byl w Pireusie, porcie w poblizu Aten. Jako ze juz tam tez bylismy, udalismy sie ze Scott'em tylko we droje do Aten i tam spedzilismy dzien wloczac sie po Plaka (handlowa, malownicza dzielnica Aten, z Acropolis'em w tle..)Wracajac na statek troche bylismy zdziwieni ze port pelen byl ludzi i musielismy byc eskortowani na statek. Ledwo odplynelismy, dowiedzielismy sie z wiadomosci ze mielismy szczescie, bo zaraz potem port zostal zamkniety z powodu protestow...Innym turystom niestety sie nie udalo i zostali zmuszeni do dluzszego pobytu w Grecji..
Ostatnim miejscem w ktorym sie zatrzymalismy byla Sycylia. Marzylam by zwiedzic Sycylie od dawna, ale jakos nigdy nie moglam tam "dojechac". Zacumowalismy w Messynie, miescie portowym z ktorego widac Wlochy, kontynentalna czesc.
W Messynie jednak nie zostalismy tylko pojechalismy do pobliskiej Taorminy, ktora ma antyczny Grecko-rzymski teatr. Taormina jest przesliczna! Wogole, jadac podziwialismy wybrzeze i krajorazy, i stwierdzilismy ze Sycylia bedzie nastepnym miejscem na wakacje.Przepiekna wyspa, ludzie przyjaznie nastawieni..
Po Sycylii byla juz powrotna podroz do Civitavecchia, gdzie nastapila odprawa i statek oposcilismy. Stamtad taksowka do Rzymu, gdzie spedzilismy ze Scott'em nastepne dwa dni zwiedzajac i wloczac sie po Rzymie. Wylecielismy 1-ego Maja i dotarlismy do Brisbane ok. polnocy 2-ego..Krocej troche niz lecac do Europy.
I tak konczy sie sprawozdanie z naszego pierwszego rejsu po morzu Srodziemnym.
Jakby co, to prosze pytac i zaspokoic ciekawosc!!!
Pozdrawiam serdecznie!
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Back from the cruise.
Jet legged and sick. Went on a trip with the cold, got well, and on the way back got cold again. This time it's not "Australian cold, but Italian"(same cold different accent..:)). Scott was not doing well at the end of the trip either; but at least he got better. Today he went to work, and I'm sitting here and going through pictures from the trip. Boy, was I "click happy"; took 1001 pictures. Seriously. Lots of it was "walk or drive by, picture taking",since we went to few places in such a short time. We flew to Rome. We were lucky that we went there, cause most of the airports in western Europe got closed due to volcanic activity in Iceland. For that reason ,our ship "skipped" one of the Greek islands (Corfu) and left Civitavecchia (port close to Rome) day later. We waited for people to catch up. Some of them arrived late, and they were lucky to do so. Few hundred, still didn't make it.
Beaders used time at the port to do some beading. Cynthia did it again, and came up with gorgeous piece "Key to my heart". Gorgeous and time consuming. So, I'm not showing pictures yet, cause I'm still working on it.
Ship was HUGE! This was our first time cruising, so we were very curious about everything. Scott checked ship quite well, mostly during my beading time. He got quite friendly with Mark, Cynthia's husband. Those two were walking mischief and trouble..:) We had great group, and lots of fun together.
OK, back to schedule. We spent in Rome two days, and on second day caught up with Cynthia and Mark, and some other friends from States. I finally met in person Maggie Maister; and loved her. She's quite a character! I hope she will come to teach here!
On 19th in the morning we went to Civitavecchia and after some time got on the ship.
Like I said, we left day later, and sailed to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Dubrovnik was great. Another hidden treasure of Europe. So beautiful, and charming. We went to lunch at one of the typical family houses; had lots of fun. People were so hospitable and very happy natured.. We saw some remains after war, but lots of it was already re-builded.
From Dubrovnik, we sailed to Katakalon, first island in Greece. We took a taxi there to ancient Olympia. Had to see where it all started..:) Spring there is beautiful: blooming trees between ruins looked great.
From Katakolon we sailed to Kusadasi, Turkey. Turkey been on my list places to see for long time. We got excursion to Efesus there. Weather was great, and I was surprised how beautiful it was. Green hills, ancient ruins, and lots of cats! Whole cat families living amongst ruins. On the way to Ephesus we stopped at Virgin Mary's house, where she supposedly spent her last days.
When you're in Turkey you can't escape visiting carpet selling place. Turkey is famous for its handmade carpets. But this time it was little bit better, because we got to see old way of weaving. Carpets were gorgeous; some very pricey. We managed to buy only table runner and not spend the fortune there. But I did fall in love with store's lamp; was told immediately that it wasn't for sale. Go figure..
After Turkey we went to Santorini. That was our second trip there, so we knew what to do and where. Convinced some friends to travel on donkeys from port to the town. It's so much fun cause donkey's are unpredictable, and do what they want when they want to. No matter what. The whole company was quite giggly when we reached the top of the cliff. Spent most of the day wandering around Oia; which for us is much more pretty then Thera (two main towns of Santorini).
From Santorini we sailed to Athens. Docked in Pireus, and since our friends had scheduled excursions to Athens and we already been there, we just took metro and tram, and went to Plaka, shopping district of Athens. We wandered around, shopping, taking pictures. Had Saganaki, our favorite fried cheese. Great leisure time.
We were suprised though when we came back to Pireus. Port was full of people and we had to be escorted to our ship. Little bit later we found out that it was the day when protests against financial bail out started in Greece, and port got closed. We were lucky to leave.
Messina in Sicily was our last stop. I dreamt about visiting Sicily since the time I lived in Italy. Finally..We didn't stay in Messina, but left the ship on excursion to town of Taormina. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful place! Scott and I decided that we have to spend our whole vacation sightseeing Sicily. Loved it! Etna was covered in clouds so we saw only glimpses of it, but we saw incredible views of the coast. And not even one glimpse of mafioso...:)))
After we left ship, we were on our own for another two days in Rome. We wandered around, and had nice little suprises, but I won't even mention it here. Typing all of it made me so tired, I might go nap.
And write my polish part little bit later, I think. And I'm going to put here only couple pictures, and attach link to albums with pictures either on FB or other place.!/album.php?aid=7495&id=100000827151580
Beaders used time at the port to do some beading. Cynthia did it again, and came up with gorgeous piece "Key to my heart". Gorgeous and time consuming. So, I'm not showing pictures yet, cause I'm still working on it.
Ship was HUGE! This was our first time cruising, so we were very curious about everything. Scott checked ship quite well, mostly during my beading time. He got quite friendly with Mark, Cynthia's husband. Those two were walking mischief and trouble..:) We had great group, and lots of fun together.
OK, back to schedule. We spent in Rome two days, and on second day caught up with Cynthia and Mark, and some other friends from States. I finally met in person Maggie Maister; and loved her. She's quite a character! I hope she will come to teach here!
On 19th in the morning we went to Civitavecchia and after some time got on the ship.
Like I said, we left day later, and sailed to Dubrovnik, Croatia. Dubrovnik was great. Another hidden treasure of Europe. So beautiful, and charming. We went to lunch at one of the typical family houses; had lots of fun. People were so hospitable and very happy natured.. We saw some remains after war, but lots of it was already re-builded.
From Dubrovnik, we sailed to Katakalon, first island in Greece. We took a taxi there to ancient Olympia. Had to see where it all started..:) Spring there is beautiful: blooming trees between ruins looked great.
From Katakolon we sailed to Kusadasi, Turkey. Turkey been on my list places to see for long time. We got excursion to Efesus there. Weather was great, and I was surprised how beautiful it was. Green hills, ancient ruins, and lots of cats! Whole cat families living amongst ruins. On the way to Ephesus we stopped at Virgin Mary's house, where she supposedly spent her last days.
When you're in Turkey you can't escape visiting carpet selling place. Turkey is famous for its handmade carpets. But this time it was little bit better, because we got to see old way of weaving. Carpets were gorgeous; some very pricey. We managed to buy only table runner and not spend the fortune there. But I did fall in love with store's lamp; was told immediately that it wasn't for sale. Go figure..
After Turkey we went to Santorini. That was our second trip there, so we knew what to do and where. Convinced some friends to travel on donkeys from port to the town. It's so much fun cause donkey's are unpredictable, and do what they want when they want to. No matter what. The whole company was quite giggly when we reached the top of the cliff. Spent most of the day wandering around Oia; which for us is much more pretty then Thera (two main towns of Santorini).
From Santorini we sailed to Athens. Docked in Pireus, and since our friends had scheduled excursions to Athens and we already been there, we just took metro and tram, and went to Plaka, shopping district of Athens. We wandered around, shopping, taking pictures. Had Saganaki, our favorite fried cheese. Great leisure time.
We were suprised though when we came back to Pireus. Port was full of people and we had to be escorted to our ship. Little bit later we found out that it was the day when protests against financial bail out started in Greece, and port got closed. We were lucky to leave.
Messina in Sicily was our last stop. I dreamt about visiting Sicily since the time I lived in Italy. Finally..We didn't stay in Messina, but left the ship on excursion to town of Taormina. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful place! Scott and I decided that we have to spend our whole vacation sightseeing Sicily. Loved it! Etna was covered in clouds so we saw only glimpses of it, but we saw incredible views of the coast. And not even one glimpse of mafioso...:)))
After we left ship, we were on our own for another two days in Rome. We wandered around, and had nice little suprises, but I won't even mention it here. Typing all of it made me so tired, I might go nap.
And write my polish part little bit later, I think. And I'm going to put here only couple pictures, and attach link to albums with pictures either on FB or other place.!/album.php?aid=7495&id=100000827151580
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