Moving again, but this time "only" between houses (comparing to inter-continental moves I've done in my life). Owners are coming back, so we have to vacate our current house. Found another one, and going to move in by the end of the week. So, it's time to pack, and pack. And pack. Boxes everywhere. Only cats are sort of happy, cause they can hide between boxes and paper. Sort of- because they hate strangers, and are shy. It was funny though, to hear Misia (our only female) growl when mini mover guy showed up with ordered boxes. Confused kitty-dog wanna be?
Anyway.. After last necklace, I was planning to go back to my big, on going project: "Tribute to Australia". It supposed to be a beaded collage, showing beaded pictures of things that I associate with Australia. Already got most of them done, only one more to go. Few weeks ago, I took picture of couple of beaded images, so that's what I'm going to post here. Rest of them, when we unpack...(can't wait!)
Znowu przeprowadzka. Tym razem nie miedzy-kontynentalna tylko do nowego domu. Wlasciciele wracaja z kontraktu, i trzeba sie przeniesc. Znalezlismy niedaleko stad fajny dom i na srode mamy juz oznaczona date na podpisanie papierow. W czwartek przeprowadzka.
A tymczasem pakujemy. I wszedzie pudelka. Spakowalam swoje koraliki i ksiazki, i wszystko, i juz mi zal. Ja chce koralikowac!
Postanowilam zamiescic zdjecie paru obrazkow ktore sa czescia mojego duzego projektu.
Projektu poswieconego Australii. Zamieszcze tam wykoralikowane obrazki rzeczy ktore kojarza mi sie z tym krajem. Mam juz 4 obrazki, musze dorobic piaty.
Pewno po tym jak sie urzadzimy troche w nowym miejscu...I znowu czekanie..