Friday, August 28, 2009

Going circles..

Oh my goodness, finally finished. This necklace took me a while to make. My hands got really bad during move, so I had to take it easy with my beading. I was making one circle at the time and it took forever! (well, at least for me..) I had that idea for a while, that I wanted to make something with circles, and asymmetric.
I always liked symmetric pieces, so wanted to challenge myself and expand my, here it is..

Umeczylam sie przy tym naszyjniku ze nie wiem. Chodzil mi pomysl po glowie juz od dawna, by zrobic cos asymetrycznego i z kolkami. Wiec robilam sobie powoli, bo jeszcze mi rece wysiadly, i tak prawde mowiac to nie powinnam. Ale: zazekala sie zaba blota..akurat, nawet jak mialam reke w gipsie kiedys, to i tak probowalam cos robic..
I oto co wymyslilam i w koncu skonczylam..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

EKKA day..

It was our first time at the EKKA. Actually, I don't know where the name come from and what it means. But it's yearly event, lasts for over a week. It's a huge festival, with lots of pavilions, tents, vendors, carousels, spread on show grounds. We spent few hours there, checking everything, all pavilions. Reminded me little bit State Fair in Alaska..
Took some pictures there. The flower pavilion was just beautiful. Animal pavilion, where all, young and old had fun feeding small animals. Had international lunch at the Food Pavilion. Had good time...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

After the move..

We are moved. Officially, since I unpacked all the boxes. Really like new house, it's bright and sunny..Only wonder, how hot it will get during summer.
Things are finally calming down, after few busy and crazy weeks.
And we got internet connection! Yay! Felt really lonely without it. That's my connection to the world.
Since my beads were packed, I left myself a kit to work on. I just finished it and about to post pictures. It's simple and lovely necklace from BeadSphere, that I got a while ago. Same pattern, same beads, just different color configuration. Really like the result.

Przeprowadzka do nowego domu skonczona. Oficjalnie, bo rozpakowalam juz wszystkie pudelka, moge wszystko znalezc, i mam nawet podlaczony internet. Chyba sie w koncu przyzwyczaje jak dlugo to schodzi tutaj w Australii. Rozpiescili mnie w tych Stanach, gdzie wszystko mozna bylo dostac szybko, i bez problemow..
No ale..Dom jest nowiutenki, jasny, sloneczny. Ma super widok z okna.
Kiedy moje koraliki byly spakowane, i wazniejsze bylo znalezienie lyzeczki niz korale, pracowalam nad jednym "kitem", czyli gotowym zestawem, co kupilam dawno temu. No i dzisiaj go skonczylam, wiec zamieszczam zdjecia. Prosty, fajny naszyjnik. Ten sam wzor powtarzany, te same koraliki, tylko w innej kolejnosci. Rezultat- sami zobaczcie. Mnie sie tam podoba!