Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Mimo iz bawilam sie doskonale robiac "ringlets" (czy moze mi ktos powiedziec jak to bedzie przetlumaczone na polski??? Bardzo prosze. A moze by tak urzadzic jakis konkurs na najlepsze polskie tlumaczenie? Najzabawniejsze, najtrafniejsze. Prosze o opinie!)No ale wracam do koralikowania.
Skonczylam "ringlets", potem zrobilam sznurek z korali, by to nanizac i nosic.
Wynik koncowy ponizej.

As much as I enjoyed making ringlets, I had to stop making them finally.
I made nine, then I've decided to make a rope to put them on.
Here is the end result..


Galeria Margo said...

Bardzo fajne wyszło! :)

Ruth said...

That's awesome - I love it! I stull get all kinds of complements from the rope you made me...

Accessible Renovations Manchester said...

Great sharre