Sunday, October 04, 2009

Medal za odwage..

Bardzo mi sie podobaja makramowe wyroby Joan Babcock. Jako ze ja nie mam cierpliwosci do malutkiego makramowania, a bardzo mi sie podobaja tego typu rzeczy, wiec mpomyslalam sobie ze przeciez moge sprobowac zrobic cos takiego z koralikow. Wiec zasiadlam do rysowania wzoru, potem do i wyszedl mi naszyjnik ktory bez sznura bardzo mi przypominal dawne medale wojskowe. No i nazwa przylgnela.

This piece was inspired by work of Joan Babcock. She does macrame work, so intricate, beautiful. I got her books,but somehow I have no patience for long threads. So I figure out that I try to make it with beads. I created the pattern, beaded it and here it is..
Before I made a rope, the piece reminded me old, military medals, so as a joke i called it "Medal for bravery"..and it stuck.


Galeria Margo said...

Ciekawy wzorek :) Donut wymiata - co to za kamień?

Claudia said...

Beautiful beadwork : i love your blog ... and your cat !!

Asia said...

Thank you very much,
glad to hear you like my blog..:)
Unfortunately, I had nothing to do with cat!
Lots of sunshine from hot Australia!

Helena said...

I stumbled on your blog purely by accident, and I love it! I'm curious, since you clearly do a lot of single thread stitchwork, do you generally prefer peyote or brick stitch? Or is it something else all together I don't recognize?

Also... is that Slovakian or Polish? I speak enough Czech to be confused!

Again, love the blog.

- Helena (

Asia said...

Hi Helena, thanks for kind word.
Glad you like my blog. I got to admit, I have a lot to catch up, been slacking lately..
My favorite stitch is Peyote, but I can do all of them. Like RAW a lot too. What you see above it's peyote, single one, cause of course you can do double. goes faster..:)
My native language is polish. Hence bi-lingual blog, for my polish and international friends.
Greetings from sunny Brisbane!!!!!

Marilyn H said...

Thank you for sharinng