Thursday, October 29, 2009

RAW Cuff

I just finished bracelet/cuff inspired by Mosaic Cuff in Rachel Nelson-Smith book "Seed Bead Fusion". This time I stayed away from blue, and made it rainbow green, rainbow purple, and grey frame. I might make few more cuffs, since it's very rewarding pattern; goes fast and it's very pretty. Feels very nice on the hand.

Wlasnie skonczylam branzolete wg. wzoru opublikowanego w ksiazce Rachel Nelson-Smith "Seed Bead Fusion". Mozajkowa branzolete robi sie bardzo szybko, i latwo, o ile zna sie "righ angle weave" (czyli plecenie pod katem prostym?).
Tym razem udalo mi sie uniknac uzycia niebieskiego koloru, zamiast tego uzylam moich slicznych koralikow w teczowych kolorach: zielonego, fioletowego i szarego.
Branzolete nosi sie bardzo fajnie, w sam raz ciezar by nie zgubic, ale nie ciezka.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Znalazlam dzis bardzo mile dwie wiadomosci: cieplutka od Weroniczki (ktorej dziekuje i witam serdecznie na stronie), i Kolezenskie wyroznienie od MadiSilk'a, czyli Malgosi z Galerii Margo. Az mi sie rzewnie na serduszku zrobilo...
Siostrzenico Malgosiu, dzieki...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Our rose is blooming, for second time this season.
Here is one of the blooms. Just beautiful!

Roza nam zakwitla. Znowu, bo kwitla pare tygodni temu i myslelismy ze to bedzie tyle tej wiosny. A tu niespodzianka. A pachnie!!

Another Cherry Blossom..

I liked Cherry Blossom bracelet so much, that I've decided to make another one, in colors that I can wear more often.
Tak mi sie spodobala branzoletka "Wisniowe kwiaty", ze postanowilam zrobic jeszcze jedna. W kolorach ktore moge nosic czesciej...

And here are two of them at once. Actually, I might wear them together.. What do you think?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cherry Blossom Bracelet

Long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away...
Ooops, wrong story...
Couple years ago, when we still lived in Alaska, I belonged to Laura McCabe's Kit of the Month Club. Every month she would come up and notify us about new kit, and we would, or wouldnt' get it. Since I love her stuff, I ended up with quite a few.
And when I can't come up with my own ideas, I gladly go back to kits..
Here is the one I just finished. I absolutely love it, its delicate, flowery and sparkly!

Kiedys, zanim jeszcze przybylismy do Australii, nalezalam do specjalnego klubu prowadzonego przez Laure McCabe. Co miesiac, wymyslala ona nowy wzor, skladala potrzebne do wykonania go skladniki, i zawiadamiala klubowiczow. I zanim trafilo to do ogolu, klubowicze mieli pierwszenstwo w zamowieniu.
Jako ze bardzo lubie i Laure i jej bizuterje, wiec naskladalo mi sie troche tych jej pakietow do zrobienia. Jak tylko szwankuje mi wena, wracam do swojego zapasu i w ten sposob zawsze cos tam koralikuje.
A oto wlasnie skonczona branzoleta autorstwa Laury, a mojego wykonania.
Sliczna jest i czuje ze beda ja czesto nosila!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Face necklace

Somehow embroidery goes fast, especially when you don't plan it, just allow beads to lead you. And they lead me to this necklace. And of course it's blue..go figure..

Wyszywanie koralikami dosc szybko idzie, szczegolnie jak sie nie planuje, tylko pozwala koralikom podpowiadac co robic..No i podpowiedzialy, tylko jak zwykle skierowaly mnie ku niebieskiemu..o rany, podpowiedzialy by inny kolor..:)
I didn't spend whole weekend beading, we managed to go to the beach.
On Saturday we went to Moolloolaba, town by the ocean. Very nice beach there. Part of it sandy, and part rocky..Very nice place, will gladly go back..

W sobote udalismy sie na plaze. Godzine jazdy od nas jest miasto zwane Mooloolaba.
Bardziej jest to resort, same hotele i duzo turystow. Plaze jest dluga, czesciowo piaszczysta i czesciowo skalkowa. Ta skalna bardzo mi sie podobala.
Z checia tam wrocimy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Zielono-brazowe kolczyki.

..ktore skonczylam robic wczoraj wieczorem. Wydaja sie duze, ale nie sa..A co najwazniejsze, sa lekkie...

I've always liked earrings. Here are the ones I finished last night.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

New necklace

Seems like I usually have problem naming my pieces. I just finished my latest necklace (what is it about me and circles?)and it's "name-less" again..
Oh well..

Moj ostatni wyczyn koralikowy. Jak zwykle, nie wiem jak go nazwac..
Tak a propos, to sie zastanawiam, co jest ze mna i robieniem kolek? Faza jakas..

Sunday, October 04, 2009


One of the spoils from the trip to Toowoomba.
We visited the museum showing Art in Bark. Art in Bark is type of art unique to Australia. It is believed that early settlers over 120 years ago first created rough, but cleverly constructed pictures from natural resources. There is special type of tree that sheds its top coat. Two or three layers can be taken without harm to the tree from which it can be made natural colors of grey, white, gold, brown, red and black after bush fires.
Additional resources are used to develop more colors: like fungi, mosses, lichens, banana trash.
Above picture (made into the brooch)was created from those ingredients; no artificial colors were used or needed.
Art in Bark is different than "aboriginal art bark" which is the painting with pigments of large pieces of solid bark. Australian Aborigines have been portraying their "Dream Time" stories for centuries in this matter, with primitive and intricate designs.

Medal za odwage..

Bardzo mi sie podobaja makramowe wyroby Joan Babcock. Jako ze ja nie mam cierpliwosci do malutkiego makramowania, a bardzo mi sie podobaja tego typu rzeczy, wiec mpomyslalam sobie ze przeciez moge sprobowac zrobic cos takiego z koralikow. Wiec zasiadlam do rysowania wzoru, potem do i wyszedl mi naszyjnik ktory bez sznura bardzo mi przypominal dawne medale wojskowe. No i nazwa przylgnela.

This piece was inspired by work of Joan Babcock. She does macrame work, so intricate, beautiful. I got her books,but somehow I have no patience for long threads. So I figure out that I try to make it with beads. I created the pattern, beaded it and here it is..
Before I made a rope, the piece reminded me old, military medals, so as a joke i called it "Medal for bravery"..and it stuck.